3 Home Security System Features for Seniors


Every home has different security needs. Homes where seniors live have unique security needs, as seniors are often home for more hours in the day and have different mobility and health issues that impact their need for security and ability to respond in an emergency. In addition to the traditional motion sensor alarms, as a senior, you should also have carbon monoxide monitors, smoke alarms, and a caregiver monitor in place to protect your health and your home.

30 August 2019

3 Tips To Improve Your Access Control System


Keeping your commercial property secure starts with control over the individuals who enter and exit the space. Many companies rely on access control systems tied to commercial alarms to provide them with the protection they are seeking. These access control systems monitor when and where authorized badges are used to gain entry, allowing you to restrict movement within your building and monitor the movement of employees throughout the day. Improve your access control system by keeping the following tips in mind.

3 July 2018

Devices And Services For Customizing Security Systems


What do you need from your security system? Surveillance can help you identify successful thieves while deterring the more fearful opportunists that test your property's security. Alarm systems can warn and authorities you while frightening off certain intruders, while silent alarms may be better to catch the intruder by surprise. With every option comes a few opportunities to add more nuanced control, and a few of these security customization points can help you make the right changes.

7 February 2018

Closed Escrow On Your New Home? 4 Things You Should Purchase As Soon As You Move In


If you've recently closed escrow on a new home, you're probably thinking about all the things you're going to need. You might have furniture, lawn equipment, and an entertainment system on the list. While those are all excellent choices, they might not be the first things you should put on your list. To help you get off on the right foot, here are four purchases you should make as soon as you move into your new home.

1 February 2018

Protecting Your Home With A Residential Fire Suppression System


While nobody likes to think about having a fire in their home, taking the time to consider areas that can reduce the risks around the house is important. If a fire does break out, controlling it quickly is important and fire suppression systems have been used in commercial buildings for many years to do just that. Using these same types of systems in residential properties is growing in popularity and can offer peace of mind for you and your family.

1 February 2018

Home Safe Installation Tips


You consider installing a home safe? This is a great decision! After all, you don't have to wear a burden concerning your most precious goods as long as you keep them safe. You just put them in a secret place, somewhere where you and only you know and have access to, and it's done. A safe is the perfect secret place to harbor your values without worrying that someone might find them and steal them.

26 January 2018

Installing A Business Security System? 3 Things To Consider When It Comes To Camera Placement


If you are going to have a security system installed that includes camera placement, make sure that you think carefully about where to place the cameras that go with your system and how to set them up. Go for A Mix of High & Low When you install security cameras on your property, make sure that you place some up high, where you can have a wide view of your property, and some down low, so you can get up-close details.

26 January 2018