3 Home Security System Features for Seniors


Every home has different security needs. Homes where seniors live have unique security needs, as seniors are often home for more hours in the day and have different mobility and health issues that impact their need for security and ability to respond in an emergency. In addition to the traditional motion sensor alarms, as a senior, you should also have carbon monoxide monitors, smoke alarms, and a caregiver monitor in place to protect your health and your home. 

Carbon Monoxide Monitors

Carbon monoxide monitors are a must for any home with gas heating or appliances. They are a must for any home that uses any gas equipment at all, as well as any homes with an attached garage.

A carbon monoxide monitor will alert you if any of your appliances or heating system develops a leak. It will alert you if you left your car on and carbon monoxide is seeping into your home.

Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer for a reason; it sneaks up on people. It is easy to forget to turn off the gas stove or to leave an automatic start car running in a garage. A carbon monoxide monitor will ensure that you are protected against this type of disaster.

Smoke Alarms

In addition to alarms that are set-off by fire, you should also have monitored smoke alarms in your home. Monitored smoke alarms will go off when smoke clouds up the eye of the alarm. With a monitored alarm, someone will call to make sure you are safe and send emergency assistance if you don't answer.

Caregiving Monitor

As you age, it is common to lose some of the physical abilities that you once had, which is why having a caregiving monitor is important. A caregiving monitor can be worn like a bracelet or watch on your wrist. You can press a button, and the dispatch will call for help to come to you.

A caregiving monitor can help you out if you feel like you are having difficulty breathing or if you experience stroke symptoms and can't get to the phone. It can help you out if you fall down and can't get up, or if you injure yourself in any way.

When it comes to setting up a home security system for seniors, add extra monitoring controls, such as carbon monoxide monitors and smoke monitors that can protect one against other threats to their home besides outside intruders. It is also important to set up a caregiving monitor system so one always has the help they need. To learn more, speak with a company that offers security system services.


30 August 2019

Choosing Better Security Software

There aren't many things that are more frustrating than a robbery, but if you aren't careful, your business could be the victim of a heist. I started thinking more about security after an employee of ours stole thousands of dollars. I felt absolutely betrayed and furious, but I didn't know where to start to make things safer in the future. Fortunately, I was able to find a great security system business that had systems that could help. They were really incredible to work with, and they were able to completely overhaul the security of my place. Check out this website for great information.